I haven't posted any belly pictures on here yet, so I thought I'd go ahead and do that. My grandma has been wanting to see them, so here goes:
19 weeks
21 weeks 1 day
21 weeks 1 day
I have to give some of the credit to Rebecca for this one. I was having a pretty major brain cramp, and she helped me come out of it. I absolutely LOVE the alphabet stamps that I used. I think they've been used on every card I've made since buying them. The font is just too cute and they're a great size. I really like the paper too! Michael & Emily's birthdays are coming up, so I need to get their cards made in the next couple of weeks.
Something that I am really excited about is coming up on September 19th... Clay Aiken's new CD, A Thousand Different Ways is coming out that day!!! I am so ready for some "new" music from him. I say "new" because most of the songs on this CD are covers from the 70's, 80's and 90's, but to hear him sing different songs than the ones I've been listening to for the past three years will be great! He has a new look:
I'm still trying to get used to it, but it's growing on me.
Well, I guess that's all for now...
The food table: didn't Pam do an amazing job?!
Adorable watermelon baby carraige that my mom made
The dessert table. Can't get any better than cake & Rice Krispie Treats!!!
We had our hospital tour on Thursday evening. It was very informative. They have the coolest labor beds that can do all kinds of stuff. Who knows if we'll remember what all it does when we're in the heat of the moment. But then again, that's what the nurses are for. We also practiced some more relaxation breathing. It's hard to be serious when you're not really in any pain, so we were laughing quite a bit, but I think the techniques will really help when the time comes. I'm going to try and deliver naturally, with no medication, but I know my limits, and am not completely opposed to an epidural. I think at this week's class we're going to learn about all of the different medications and interventions that can take place during labor. I think it's going to be a very important class.
Saturday night a bunch of ladies got together for Rebecca's birthday. We went to Olde Towne Tavern for dinner. It was really good, and the company was great too! We all had a great time just chatting & hanging out. I have some pictures from the evening, maybe I'll post some in the next day or so. After dinner, a few of us went out to a movie. We went to see Step Up, it was so good! I'd definitely recommend it, the dancing and the music were fantastic! I think it will definitely be a soundtrack to buy.
Today was a pretty lazy day, I just never could seem to get motivated. I did work a little on making the "call list" for when the baby's born, I need to get the phone numbers together, but I still have a little time. There are several things on my list of "things to do" before I reach 36 weeks. After that point, I'd really like to just be able to relax & wait for this little one to make his/her appearance. Maybe if I post the list here, it will keep me more accountable, so here goes, in no particular order:
See, there's not too much! Ack! If you're reading this, feel free to keep me on track.
Now I'm tired from just looking at the list, so I think I'll go to bed. School starts here tomorrow, so traffic is going to be bad. I need to try and leave early for work... See ya next time!
Thats Pam's car THROUGH my closed garage door! Holy cow! So we all go running outside to see what happened & find this:
Chris' Aunt Sandra had pulled in the driveway behind Pam's car and her foot had slid off the brake! She had hit Pam's car & it slid into our garage. She felt so bad, and I think she was really embarrassed. I tried reassuring her that it was okay. After all, it's just a garage door & car, they can be fixed and no one was hurt.
So we moved on with the day, and the rest of the guests arrived. The shower went off without a hitch. It was wonderful and we received a lot of amazing gifts. Here's a shot of the nursery filled with the presents:
Chris' parents got us the carseat/stroller combo, and my parents got us the Pack n' Play and swing. We also got the bouncy seat, jumperoo and A LOT of neccessities. We have so many bibs & washcloths that we probably won't need to buy any. We also got the cutest stuffed giraffe from Rebecca & Lisa. I've never seen anything quite as cute, I don't see him in the picture above, so I'll have to make sure and post one.
Here's where it gets interesting again. Once the shower was over, and pretty much everyone had left, the boys came back from watching their movie. For some reason they didn't want to stick around for the shower! Who knows why? Not interesting in hanging out with a bunch of women and saying "ooh" and "aah" in all the right places?
When they got home, they spent a few minutes inspecting the damage to the garage & car. It was pretty funny because they looked like such stereotypical males, circling the car & making comments. I wish we'd taken some pictures. They lifted up on one of the door panels so Kevin could back Pam's car out. We still needed to be able to get OUR cars out of the garage, so they went to work taking off the bottom panel, so they could raise the door. Meanwhile, people are starting to clean up inside and I sat down to finally eat a piece of the yummy cake. (It was quite yummy, by the way.)
All of a sudden we hear this terrible CRASH! (sound familiar?) It sounded to me like shelves had fallen or something, but we don't have shelves in the garage. The next thing I hear is Chris saying, "I'm bleeding!". The rest of it is kind of a blur to me, but this is how I remember it... I start panicking and asking if he's hurt. People are running in & out of the garage getting towels and telling me to sit down & not go out there. Now I'm really freaking out. My mom comes running in & says something about, "Do we need to call 911?", me still freaking out. I just want to go out & see if he's okay. They're reassuring me that he's fine, he's standing up, etc., but I still want to go out there. Finally I go out there & ask him if he's okay. He's got a towel on his forehead and there's blood all over the garage floor. He tells me he's fine & his dad says that he's probably going to need stitches so we're taking him to the ER. I was like, "I'm going with him!" so I'm trying to get to my shoes, but I had blood all over my foot & was making a mess. Kevin was kind enough to wipe my foot off for me & off we went. Chris' dad drove with Chris in the front seat. His mom & I were in the back. Once I saw that he was okay, I was able to calm down quite a bit.
We went to the ER & were taken back pretty quickly. He had to get 6 stitches in his forehead & the doctor says he's going to have a scar in the shape of the Mercedes Benz symbol! Here's a picture, hopefully it's not too gross:
Lovely, isn't it? Thankfully it turned out to be not so bad, but head cuts always bleed like crazy. Our friends & family were so wonderful to stay & clean up the mess while we were gone. You know they're your friends when they'll clean up blood in your house. I must say I was deeply touched by Rebecca's willingness to use wet paper towels to clean it up. Anyone who knows her, knows this is a BIG deal. She doesn't do wet paper towels. And for that, I am eternally grateful!
All in all it was a great day. Like I said, it started with bang and ended with a bang, but the in between was fantastic! We're so blessed to have friends and family in our life that love us and already love this child. It's a very comforting feeling to know that no matter what, this child will never know a day without love, even if for some reason Chris and I aren't around.
Wow, this was a really long one! But, there was a lot to say. I have more to say about the shower, but it will have to wait for another day.