Since going out with the girls is probably going to be a little more difficult in the few months ahead, I wanted to have one more girls night out before the baby came. So, Lisa, Rebecca and I scheduled my "last hoorah" for Friday night. Well, actually we had scheduled it for a few Friday nights ago, but for some reason that didn't work out. I don't remember why. Anywho. I didn't really want to do anything too strenuous (not that we probably would have anyway), so we decided dinner & coffee would be great! We went to Zaxby's for dinner and it was so good! I could just about eat myself sick there. It was so nice to just sit & chat with no real time limit. Rebecca got a new car this week, and it needed a name, and I think we came up with the prefect one. I'm sure she'll blog about it, so check it out! It's a really fun story. We closed the place down and headed over to Starbucks for coffee. Well, Lisa & Rebecca had coffee. I'm not a coffee person so I had my favorite. A Double Chocolate Chip Frappucino! YUMMY!
We sat in a spot off to ourselves and just had a great time hanging out. Lisa & Rebecca are definitely two of my best friends. I am so blessed to have them in my life. I can always count on them for lots of laughter and even more good advice.
Starbucks closed at midnight, so we headed out just before then. It was such a wonderful evening, and a great way to celebrate my "last hoorah"! Thanks girls for a great time!
Well, I'm going to try and get comfy in the recliner and see if I can't catch some Z's as they float by.