Thanks to my wonderful husband and two Tylenol PM's, I was feeling quite revitalized yesterday. For some reason, I haven't been sleeping well lately. As soon as my head hits the pillow, it's like my mind goes into hyperdrive thinking about everything I want/need to do and I can't get to sleep. Once I do get to sleep, I dream all night long so I don't feel rested. After several days of this it starts to creep up on you. I asked Chris if he would mind taking care of Jonathan Saturday morning so I could take something to sleep Friday night and he thought it was a good idea. He had to be at church that morning to set up some new mics for choir practice so he just took Jonathan with him. I went to sleep at 10:00 Friday night & didn't wake up until 10:00 Saturday morning. I felt so good! It was a little wierd being here all by myself, but I just took advantage of the time & played on the internet & called a couple of people. I have to admit it was kind of nice having some alone time, but I did miss my boys.
When I quit Hitachi, Chris and I decided to cash out my 401k. We could do more good by using the money to pay off some bills than we could by rolling it over. Once the money came in we were able to pay off several debts. The biggest being our cars! That alone will save us about $600/month! What a difference that will make for us.
We did decide to do one "frivolous" thing with the money. I wanted us to consider getting a new camera, as the one we had was really starting to act wierd; it would change to view mode while you were trying to take a picture. Annoying, especially when you're trying to catch cute moments. So, we did some research and decided on the
Canon Digital Rebel XT.
It has double the megapixels that our other camera had, so it takes much better pictures, and it focuses ALOT faster, so it's easier to capture the moment. Sometimes with the other one you'd miss the moment waiting for it to focus. We ordered it Wednesday night, and it came Saturday morning! I was so excited! We've been taking pictures like crazy. I think it will really come in handy as Jonathan gets older and more mobile. In "sports mode" it can take 3 frames/second, so we can get some cute shots of him crawling & taking his first steps. But let's not rush into that too soon!
I think Jonathan's teething! He's drooling like a faucet & chewing on his hands alot. Not to mention that he's been more fussy than usual. So far I don't see any teeth popping through the gums, but it's got to be any day now.
Here are a couple of pics of the little guy. I can't believe he's 3 1/2 months old already! Where has the time gone? Can you believe the red hair!

For some reason when I resized these, they came out grainy. ;o( They were a lot clearer before I did that. I guess I have to learn how to resize the ones from the new camera.
Well, I think I'd better head off to bed now. I need to try and get more sleep. Have a great day/week!