This evening we were watching So, You Think You Can Dance? and our little dancing machine was getting down. Thankfully I was able to capture a little of it on video. So now, for your viewing pleasure...
I swear this kid's going to be a dancer, singer or musician when get grows up. Ever since he was in the womb he's loved music. He now knows some of the motions to "The Wheels on the Bus" which is too cute. Maybe I'll try to get that on video in the next day or two.
So, yesterday was weigh in day... I lost another pound! That makes 37.2 pounds lost so far! I'm now officially at the same weight I was the first time I ever set foot in a Weight Watchers location. On one hand I'm excited to be here, on the other I'm sad that I had let myself get far enough that I had to lose 37.2 pounds to get back to this point. But, this is a new journey and I'm in it for the long haul this time!
Starting next week I'm going to be changing my weigh in day to Saturday. I've been attending meetings on Wednesday mornings for a couple of reasons; 1) my friend Jennifer goes to that meeting, and 2) I LOVE the leader, Trudie. She's amazing. Well, my worst fear came true this week. Apparently there's been a couple of complaints about the kids & noise during the meeting. (I basically took it to mean someone complained about Jonathan as he's the only child there that talks. The other kids are all quiet.) They do offer a "Mommy & Me" meeting on Thursday mornings, which I could attend, but Trudie isn't the leader for that one. So, I'll be changing to Saturday mornings. That way I can leave Jonathan at home with Chris & still attend a meeting with Trudie.
I'm really quite embarrassed that someone complained. Jonathan is a very vocal child. During the meetings he's not crying or being upset, but he likes to talk & gets excited easily. I've tried everything I can think of to keep him occupied & quiet, but nothing has worked. I feel like people think I can't "control" my child, when that's not really the case. I totally understand where they're coming from though; they're at the meeting to learn & receive encouragement and it can be distracting when there's a child in the back making noise. No matter how cute he is! LOL So, I'll change meetings & maybe in a few months will be able to re-join my friend.
** Dad & Chris' Dad... skip this part!***
On a happier note... I need a new bra! Is that an overshare? LOL I've noticed that my bras aren't fitting as well lately; riding up on me, etc. So, today I stopped in the Bali/Playtex store & got re-sized. I've lost two inches in my bust & possibly gone down a cup size!!! How exciting is that? (I warned you, Dads!)
Well, I'd better get to bed.... "see" you soon!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
chug it, chug it!
At the laser show Sunday night I gave Jonathan my empty Diet A&W bottle to play with. I snapped this pic of him pretending to drink it; looks like he's drinking a beer, doesn't it!

Here are a couple of pics from that evening. Jonathan obviously gets his gorgeous blue eyes from his daddy.

This afternoon I was in the living room & Jonathan disappeared into the kitchen. A bit later he starts calling, "Mo-mmy, Mo-mmy" so I go in there to see what he wants. This is what I find! The climbing phase has officially begun; not one I'm looking forward to. BTW - he put that hat on all by himself which cracked me up.

Off to bed.... until next time!

Here are a couple of pics from that evening. Jonathan obviously gets his gorgeous blue eyes from his daddy.

This afternoon I was in the living room & Jonathan disappeared into the kitchen. A bit later he starts calling, "Mo-mmy, Mo-mmy" so I go in there to see what he wants. This is what I find! The climbing phase has officially begun; not one I'm looking forward to. BTW - he put that hat on all by himself which cracked me up.

Off to bed.... until next time!
busy, busy, busy
What a weekend!
Friday was great. Scrappin' with the girls then off to see What Happens in Vegas which was hilarious! We laughed so hard throughout the entire movie; I'd highly recommend it. And it's even worth the ridiculous price of $10. We were all of the same mind that since it was 12:25am on Saturday we should've been charged the matinee price since it was technically before 4:00pm. But, no such luck.
Saturday evening Chris & I went to the home of a couple in our Sunday School class for a get together. There were three couples including us & we had a lot of fun getting to know them & playing games. We played Apples to Apples and Catch Phrase. The girls were victorious! I'm so thankful that we've found a church & a great Sunday School class. It's been a long time since I've felt this at home at a church.
Sunday was a lot of fun too. That evening we went to the laser show at Stone Mountain Park with the Clavells. It was quite hot when we got there, but it wasn't too long before the sun went down enough for the temperature to be quite pleasant. The idea of sitting there for a few hours waiting for the show was a bit scary; I wasn't sure how Jonathan would do. I was so proud of him. He never tried to get off the blanket even once! Now, that could've had something to do with the fact that he didn't like the feel of the prickly grass on his bare feet, but whatever the cause I was thrilled! He seemed quite enthralled once the show started & was so cute pointing at the fireworks. I tried to get a picture, but by the time I got the camera ready he'd stopped pointing. Oh well.
I don't know what my deal was yesterday; I was pretty useless. I felt like I could've slept the entire day away and came pretty close to doing so. I guess my body just needed the rest.
I obviously didn't keep up with my food posting this weekend, but overall I didn't do too bad. At the movies Friday night I had originally bought a box of Milk Duds then rethought that decision. I would up exchanging them for a package of fruit snacks. I did a workout with my Walk Away the Pounds DVD today so I'm hoping that coupled with all the walking we did at Stone Mountain on Sunday will offset any shenanigans from the weekend. We'll find out tomorrow I guess.
Well, it's about time to start dinner so I'd better get going. I've got a few pics to post so I may try to do that tonight. Stay tuned!
Friday was great. Scrappin' with the girls then off to see What Happens in Vegas which was hilarious! We laughed so hard throughout the entire movie; I'd highly recommend it. And it's even worth the ridiculous price of $10. We were all of the same mind that since it was 12:25am on Saturday we should've been charged the matinee price since it was technically before 4:00pm. But, no such luck.
Saturday evening Chris & I went to the home of a couple in our Sunday School class for a get together. There were three couples including us & we had a lot of fun getting to know them & playing games. We played Apples to Apples and Catch Phrase. The girls were victorious! I'm so thankful that we've found a church & a great Sunday School class. It's been a long time since I've felt this at home at a church.
Sunday was a lot of fun too. That evening we went to the laser show at Stone Mountain Park with the Clavells. It was quite hot when we got there, but it wasn't too long before the sun went down enough for the temperature to be quite pleasant. The idea of sitting there for a few hours waiting for the show was a bit scary; I wasn't sure how Jonathan would do. I was so proud of him. He never tried to get off the blanket even once! Now, that could've had something to do with the fact that he didn't like the feel of the prickly grass on his bare feet, but whatever the cause I was thrilled! He seemed quite enthralled once the show started & was so cute pointing at the fireworks. I tried to get a picture, but by the time I got the camera ready he'd stopped pointing. Oh well.
I don't know what my deal was yesterday; I was pretty useless. I felt like I could've slept the entire day away and came pretty close to doing so. I guess my body just needed the rest.
I obviously didn't keep up with my food posting this weekend, but overall I didn't do too bad. At the movies Friday night I had originally bought a box of Milk Duds then rethought that decision. I would up exchanging them for a package of fruit snacks. I did a workout with my Walk Away the Pounds DVD today so I'm hoping that coupled with all the walking we did at Stone Mountain on Sunday will offset any shenanigans from the weekend. We'll find out tomorrow I guess.
Well, it's about time to start dinner so I'd better get going. I've got a few pics to post so I may try to do that tonight. Stay tuned!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
and again I say
I *heart* Photoshop Elements! Look at the difference in this photo; isn't it amazing!? These photos were taken the day of Ethan's birthday party by Pam's niece, Leah. Didn't she do a great job? In fact, I'm going to submit the one of Jonathan (plus the one in my banner & maybe a few more) to the Parents Magazine cover model search. I know I'm biased, buy my kid is definitely cute enough to be on the cover of a magazine!
I thought this picture turned out well. Too bad Jonathan wasn't looking at the camera. Oh well, two out of three ain't bad, right?
Tonight was the season finale of Grey's Anatomy and my was it good! I get so tense & worked up while watching this show; I love it! It's by far my favorite TV show... ever! The writers really know how to pull you in & invest your emotions in the characters. If you've never watched it, I highly recommend that you run right out & rent the first three seasons on DVD. It's okay if you don't leave your house for a few days. You'll thank me for it later, I promise!
This weekend is going to be crazy busy. Tomorrow afternoon I'm meeting the girls at Archiver's to scrapbook the night away. The fun won't stop there though, Rebecca & I (and whoever else decides to join us) are going to see What Happens in Vegas at the midnight movie. I don't remember the last time I went to a midnight movie; I hope I can stay awake! Saturday evening my parents are coming over to watch Jonathan so Chris & I can go to a party a couple in our Sunday School class is throwing. Should be lots of fun! Then, Sunday night we're going to Stone Mountain with the Clavells (and maybe the Thompsons) to see the laser show. Lee Greenwood is doing a free concert & they'll be having a ceremony for those in the military. I'm sure it will be great! I always get so emotional when they honor the military men & women. Monday we have no plans, and I think it's going to stay that way. We're all going to need some rest after the busyness of the weekend.
Now, on to the business at hand. (Or should it be mouth?) Today's culinary delights were...
bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios
Zaxby's kids meal (I should just wire them money each month direct from our checking account!)
bag of 100 calorie popcorn
pork chop, noodles, green beans & a roll
again with the handfuls of Frosted Flakes; I think Grey's was stressing me out or something. I did walk a mile today, though, so we'll just call that a wash... right?
One of the fence companies is coming by tomorrow morning, so I'd better get to bed. Until next time!

I thought this picture turned out well. Too bad Jonathan wasn't looking at the camera. Oh well, two out of three ain't bad, right?

Tonight was the season finale of Grey's Anatomy and my was it good! I get so tense & worked up while watching this show; I love it! It's by far my favorite TV show... ever! The writers really know how to pull you in & invest your emotions in the characters. If you've never watched it, I highly recommend that you run right out & rent the first three seasons on DVD. It's okay if you don't leave your house for a few days. You'll thank me for it later, I promise!
This weekend is going to be crazy busy. Tomorrow afternoon I'm meeting the girls at Archiver's to scrapbook the night away. The fun won't stop there though, Rebecca & I (and whoever else decides to join us) are going to see What Happens in Vegas at the midnight movie. I don't remember the last time I went to a midnight movie; I hope I can stay awake! Saturday evening my parents are coming over to watch Jonathan so Chris & I can go to a party a couple in our Sunday School class is throwing. Should be lots of fun! Then, Sunday night we're going to Stone Mountain with the Clavells (and maybe the Thompsons) to see the laser show. Lee Greenwood is doing a free concert & they'll be having a ceremony for those in the military. I'm sure it will be great! I always get so emotional when they honor the military men & women. Monday we have no plans, and I think it's going to stay that way. We're all going to need some rest after the busyness of the weekend.
Now, on to the business at hand. (Or should it be mouth?) Today's culinary delights were...
bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios
Zaxby's kids meal (I should just wire them money each month direct from our checking account!)
bag of 100 calorie popcorn
pork chop, noodles, green beans & a roll
again with the handfuls of Frosted Flakes; I think Grey's was stressing me out or something. I did walk a mile today, though, so we'll just call that a wash... right?
One of the fence companies is coming by tomorrow morning, so I'd better get to bed. Until next time!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
fast food junkie
In case you haven't noticed, I eat fast food a lot! I've made changes in what I order; I never order anything but a kids meal (except at Long John Silvers) so my portion sizes are WAY down from where they used to be. And to prove I'm a fast food junkie, here's what I ate today...
(no breakfast, I never eat before weighing in!)
kids meal from Zaxby's
a couple of raisins
12 m&ms (yes I counted)
kids meal from McDonald's
I think I could've won the "Worst Mother of the Year" award this evening. I fed my child McDonald's in the car while driving to church. Not setting a very good example, now am I? Something I need to work on. Thankfully he doesn't seem to have inherited most of my terrible eating habits. He loves fruit & vegetables; so NOT like his mama. And let me tell you, this kid LOVES him some watermelon! Once they come in season we'll definintely have to buy a few whole.
Today was weigh in and I was quite pleased with the results; down another 1.6! That puts my total at 36.2 pounds lost! I don't think I ever posted about hitting my next "mini-goal". At weigh in two weeks ago I dropped to under 200 pounds! This is a huge deal for me. For some reason it just really affects how I think about some things. For several years I've been terrified of breaking a chair, not fitting in an amusment park/airplane seat, etc. Slowly but surely that fear is lessening. It still crosses my mind, but I try to push it away. I've already set my next "mini-goal"; to weigh less than Chris. Again... huge deal in my book! I think the last time we talked about it he was around 182 (you don't mind that I just put that out there, do ya babe? LOL). He's lost 40+ pounds over the last several months, but I told him slow things down a bit so I could catch up with him! ;o) I'm not sure what my "mini-goal" will be after that... maybe to actually weigh what my drivers license says I do! LOL I still have a long way to go, but I'm happy with the progress I've made so far.
Well, I'm meeting a girlfriend at the park in the morning to walk, so I'd better get to bed. 'Night!
(no breakfast, I never eat before weighing in!)
kids meal from Zaxby's
a couple of raisins
12 m&ms (yes I counted)
kids meal from McDonald's
I think I could've won the "Worst Mother of the Year" award this evening. I fed my child McDonald's in the car while driving to church. Not setting a very good example, now am I? Something I need to work on. Thankfully he doesn't seem to have inherited most of my terrible eating habits. He loves fruit & vegetables; so NOT like his mama. And let me tell you, this kid LOVES him some watermelon! Once they come in season we'll definintely have to buy a few whole.
Today was weigh in and I was quite pleased with the results; down another 1.6! That puts my total at 36.2 pounds lost! I don't think I ever posted about hitting my next "mini-goal". At weigh in two weeks ago I dropped to under 200 pounds! This is a huge deal for me. For some reason it just really affects how I think about some things. For several years I've been terrified of breaking a chair, not fitting in an amusment park/airplane seat, etc. Slowly but surely that fear is lessening. It still crosses my mind, but I try to push it away. I've already set my next "mini-goal"; to weigh less than Chris. Again... huge deal in my book! I think the last time we talked about it he was around 182 (you don't mind that I just put that out there, do ya babe? LOL). He's lost 40+ pounds over the last several months, but I told him slow things down a bit so I could catch up with him! ;o) I'm not sure what my "mini-goal" will be after that... maybe to actually weigh what my drivers license says I do! LOL I still have a long way to go, but I'm happy with the progress I've made so far.
Well, I'm meeting a girlfriend at the park in the morning to walk, so I'd better get to bed. 'Night!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
you are what you eat...
Y'all are going to get real sick of this, real quick I imagine. But I have found that it affects what I eat during the day, knowing I'm going to post it here for all to see.
bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios (you'll see this ALOT)
Long John Silver's - 1 pc. fish, fries, 2 hush puppies
corn dog & macaroni & cheese
a few several handfuls of Frosted Flakes
Again, I did pretty good until after dinner. Those Frosted Flakes were just calling my name. I didn't used to have this problem with snacking after dinner; I don't know what's going on. Tomorrow is weigh in day. I'm not really expecting a great number, but I just have to move forward & keep trying to stay within my points each day. I'm also trying to exercise a few times a week.
The fence company called this morning & rescheduled their appointment for Friday. I didn't mind too much because then I didn't have to worry about watching the time while we were at the park. I had another fairly productive day here at home. More laundry. If I can keep up with my one load a day plan then it doesn't get out of control.
Aren't you so glad I decided to start doing this?
bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios (you'll see this ALOT)
Long John Silver's - 1 pc. fish, fries, 2 hush puppies
corn dog & macaroni & cheese
Again, I did pretty good until after dinner. Those Frosted Flakes were just calling my name. I didn't used to have this problem with snacking after dinner; I don't know what's going on. Tomorrow is weigh in day. I'm not really expecting a great number, but I just have to move forward & keep trying to stay within my points each day. I'm also trying to exercise a few times a week.
The fence company called this morning & rescheduled their appointment for Friday. I didn't mind too much because then I didn't have to worry about watching the time while we were at the park. I had another fairly productive day here at home. More laundry. If I can keep up with my one load a day plan then it doesn't get out of control.
Aren't you so glad I decided to start doing this?
Monday, May 19, 2008
are you ready to be bored stiff?
As promised, here's what I ate today...
bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios
kids meal from Zaxby's
bag of 100 Calorie Smart Pop popcorn (go to the site & look at the "2-Minute Pick Me Ups"... hysterical)
4 tacos & some Mexican rice
I did pretty good up until dinner. The tacos & rice were just so yummy. I still didn't go too overboard though. We'll see how tomorrow goes...
In other "more exciting" news.... today was prett much a stay at home day. It seems like we're off doing something everyday and sadly some of my housework has been neglected. So, I got caught up on some laundry, cleaned up the kitchen, vacuumed & Swiffered the floor. I have so much that I want to declutter & get rid of, I just can't seem to find the energy to do it. I look around & get overwhelmed.
Tomorrow we have a playdate at the park & then I have to be home by noon. We're having a company come to give us an estimate to have our backyard fenced in. Now that Jonathan is older I think it would be so great to be able to sit out back & just let him play; not having to worry if he's going to run out into the street. He loves to be outside, so I know he'll enjoy it. Hopefully it's not too expensive, I guess we'll see tomorrow. I have calls into a few places to set up appointments... let the best fencing company win!
bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios
kids meal from Zaxby's
bag of 100 Calorie Smart Pop popcorn (go to the site & look at the "2-Minute Pick Me Ups"... hysterical)
4 tacos & some Mexican rice
I did pretty good up until dinner. The tacos & rice were just so yummy. I still didn't go too overboard though. We'll see how tomorrow goes...
In other "more exciting" news.... today was prett much a stay at home day. It seems like we're off doing something everyday and sadly some of my housework has been neglected. So, I got caught up on some laundry, cleaned up the kitchen, vacuumed & Swiffered the floor. I have so much that I want to declutter & get rid of, I just can't seem to find the energy to do it. I look around & get overwhelmed.
Tomorrow we have a playdate at the park & then I have to be home by noon. We're having a company come to give us an estimate to have our backyard fenced in. Now that Jonathan is older I think it would be so great to be able to sit out back & just let him play; not having to worry if he's going to run out into the street. He loves to be outside, so I know he'll enjoy it. Hopefully it's not too expensive, I guess we'll see tomorrow. I have calls into a few places to set up appointments... let the best fencing company win!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
I need to be...
held accountable. For the past several weeks I have lost focus in my weight loss journey. It seems when I get to this point I start to sabotage my efforts and I don't know why. It's not that I don't want to be successful, because I do; more than anything. I'm not sure what to do to remedy this behavior. Do you have any suggestions? Have you been here? Did you make it past this phase?
One thing I'm going to do will probably bore the pants off of you. I've decided that at the end of every day I will post what I've eaten. It's always been very crucial to my success to journal my food each day, but to put it out into cyberspace for all to see... that should keep me in check. It's another aspect of my journey that I've slacked on recently and I really need to get back in the habit.
I promise I'll post more than just my eating habits... I still have the cutest kid to write about after all. ;o) Speaking of the boy... I swear he's the most social kid I've ever seen. Any time we're at a restaurant he waves & says "hi" to everyone that walks by. He "talks" to everyone & charms the pants off of them. Not a day goes by when someone doesn't say something about how cute & smart he is. There are no sweeter words to a mother's ears.
Well, I'm off to bed... until next time.
One thing I'm going to do will probably bore the pants off of you. I've decided that at the end of every day I will post what I've eaten. It's always been very crucial to my success to journal my food each day, but to put it out into cyberspace for all to see... that should keep me in check. It's another aspect of my journey that I've slacked on recently and I really need to get back in the habit.
I promise I'll post more than just my eating habits... I still have the cutest kid to write about after all. ;o) Speaking of the boy... I swear he's the most social kid I've ever seen. Any time we're at a restaurant he waves & says "hi" to everyone that walks by. He "talks" to everyone & charms the pants off of them. Not a day goes by when someone doesn't say something about how cute & smart he is. There are no sweeter words to a mother's ears.
Well, I'm off to bed... until next time.
Friday, May 16, 2008
This morning we went to the library to meet Clifford the Big Red Dog! I love that our area has these great events. There were at least a million kids packed into the children's section, but it went pretty smoothly. Jonathan loved playing on the computers they have set up. We'll definitely have to go back when there aren't quite so many people.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
this is what happens when...
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
an apparently shocking revelation
Chris and I are sitting here watching TV & I made a confession that about knocked him over... I've never seen any of the Indiana Jones movies. To add insult to injury, nor have I seen a James Bond movie all the way through. He knew about James Bond, but his mouth fell open when I told him about Indiana Jones. Are there any movies you're ashamed to admit you've never seen?
I got my Mother's Day gift today... a gift certificate to Spa Sydell! I'm so excited; I've never had a massage or facial before. The certificate is for a half-day spa package. I won't even know what to do with myself after being pampered like that. Chris' parents were telling me today that once I have a massage & facial I'll be addicted. Sounds like an okay thing to be addicted to in my opinion; though a bit expensive.
Until next time.
I got my Mother's Day gift today... a gift certificate to Spa Sydell! I'm so excited; I've never had a massage or facial before. The certificate is for a half-day spa package. I won't even know what to do with myself after being pampered like that. Chris' parents were telling me today that once I have a massage & facial I'll be addicted. Sounds like an okay thing to be addicted to in my opinion; though a bit expensive.
Until next time.
Friday, May 09, 2008
10 years ago today...
Sunday, May 04, 2008
birthdays, bubbles & Elmo
First of all... Happy Birthday Ethan! Today our friends, Kevin & Pam's son, Ethan turns the big ONE! I can't believe he's a year old already! His party was yesterday at his grandparents house & it was so much fun. Thankfully the weather was good as the party was outside. Rain threatened a couple of times but it held off. The kids had a great time playing in the bubbles from the bubble machine & with some of the (many) toys Ethan received as gifts. A good time was had by all!
Before the party we took Jonathan to The Learning Express to meet one of his favorite TV characters, Elmo! I was a little concerned the he might be frightened by the giant red muppet, but he wasn't at all. Here's he & I with Elmo!

Between Elmo & the party, while waiting for Chris' mom & Lisa to arrive, we let Jonathan play in the driveway with the "bubbees". This kid loves to be outside, and if there are bubbles involved, all the better.

Chris left this afternoon for a business trip at Callaway Gardens. While they'll be doing plenty of work related stuff, they also get to have some fun. Tonight they're Wii bowling, tomorrow is casino night and Tuesday they're golfing. This day has completely dragged by without him here. I miss you, babe! I hope you're having a good time!
Well, I'm pretty tired, so I think I'll hit the sack. I hate sleeping alone.

Before the party we took Jonathan to The Learning Express to meet one of his favorite TV characters, Elmo! I was a little concerned the he might be frightened by the giant red muppet, but he wasn't at all. Here's he & I with Elmo!

Between Elmo & the party, while waiting for Chris' mom & Lisa to arrive, we let Jonathan play in the driveway with the "bubbees". This kid loves to be outside, and if there are bubbles involved, all the better.

Chris left this afternoon for a business trip at Callaway Gardens. While they'll be doing plenty of work related stuff, they also get to have some fun. Tonight they're Wii bowling, tomorrow is casino night and Tuesday they're golfing. This day has completely dragged by without him here. I miss you, babe! I hope you're having a good time!
Well, I'm pretty tired, so I think I'll hit the sack. I hate sleeping alone.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
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