On the hunt. The eggs were labeled with the kids' names so, not only was it fun, it was a learning tool to help them recognize their name.
Me & my boy.
** Rebecca had a great idea of having a "What I've Read" linky party! So, if you're interested, blog about what you've read & enter your blog post into the linky at the bottom. Think of all the book ideas you can get! **
March was a really slow reading month for me. Somehow I only managed to read two books. Sad.
Still Missing by Chevy Stevens
Synopsis from Shelfari: On the day she was abducted, Annie O’Sullivan, a thirty-two-year-old realtor, had three goals—sell a house, forget about a recent argument with her mother, and be on time for dinner with her ever-patient boyfriend. The open house is slow, but when her last visitor pulls up in a van as she’s about to leave, Annie thinks it just might be her lucky day after all. Interwoven with the story of the year Annie spent as the captive of a psychopath in a remote mountain cabin, which unfolds through sessions with her psychiatrist, is a second narrative recounting events following her escape—her struggle to piece her shattered life back together and the ongoing police investigation into the identity of her captor. The truth doesn’t always set you free. Still Missing is that rare debut find—a shocking, visceral, brutal, and beautifully crafted novel.
I really enjoyed this book. The way the author told the story through Casey’s therapy sessions was clever & interesting. At each session you could tell she was healing to some degree. I don’t know how to say one thing I felt about the book without giving something away. Basically at the end I kind of felt there were two different stories & one I wish there was more background to. This is definitely a book I would recommend.
Still Life by Joy Fielding
Synopsis from Shelfari: New York Times bestselling author Joy Fielding delivers a riveting tale of suspense about a young woman caught in a nightmare somewhere between life and death. Beautiful, happily married, and the owner of a successful interior design business, Casey Marshall couldn't be more content with her life, until a car slams into her at almost fifty miles an hour, breaking nearly every bone in her body and plunging her into a coma. Lying in her hospital bed, Casey realizes that although she is unable to see or communicate, she can hear everything. She quickly discovers that her friends aren't necessarily the people she thought them to be -- and that her accident might not have been an accident at all. As she struggles to break free from her living death, she begins to wonder if what lies ahead could be even worse. "It is Fielding's ability to get under the skin of her characters -- and her readers -- that has made her such a dependably bestselling author," says the Calgary Herald . Smart, suspenseful, and overwhelmingly addictive, Still Life is a novel her fans won't soon forget.
This turned out to be a really good book. I was a bit unsure at first, but it really drew me in. The concept of being able to hear everything around you, but not see or communicate is kind of terrifying. Especially if you realize those close to you aren’t necessarily who you think they are. By the end of the book I was definitely on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen. Another one I’d recommend.
How funny is it that the two books I managed to read in March both had the word “still” in the title. Weird. Well, here’s hoping April is a better month for reading. Maybe it’s time to switch to a different genre for awhile. I’ve been reading these dark, crime books for a few months. Something “fluffy” might be on the horizon.
What did you read in March?
Join the party!
This weekend was mostly busy & definitely wonderful.
Friday evening Jboy had another TBall game. He’s doing so well & really learning how to play. I think at the next game the coaches may start actually telling them when they’re out. So far they haven’t gone over that at all, but it’s time. This game may have been played in April but, boy, was it cold out there. The wind didn’t help matters at all. Chris has been so cold natured lately & he was freezing. He made good use of his mom’s About Town Blanket from Thirty-One.
We’ll definitely need to be getting one of these soon. I have several items from Thirty-One & love them all. Have you heard of them?
Jboy spent Friday night with Chris’ parents, so we had a little mini-date. Every day that I take Jboy to school I pass a little Japanese restaurant called Sake Express. We decided to give it a try that night & it was good! I think next time I’ll ask for some teriyaki sauce for my chicken, but overall we were both very pleased.
After searching on Netflix we started watching a really lame horror movie, The Legend of Bloody Mary. About ten minutes into it we decided to turn it off & find something better to watch. Haha. We finally decided on Black Swan.
What an interesting movie. Natalie Portman definitely deserved her Best Actress Oscar for this role. The movie is very dark, and not one that I’d recommend watching in mixed company or with your parents. LOL
Saturday morning we slept in a bit & then Chris’ parents picked us up at around noon. We went to lunch at one of Chris & his mom’s favorite wings places & then headed to a cemetery. Wait, what? Ha. Chris’ dad is really into the Civil War, and for his birthday last week we had given him a picture of his great-grandfather we’d found on Ancestry.com. He had fought in the Civil War & turns out he’s buried not too far from where we live. It was a beautiful day {really windy, though} and it was interesting to visit where some of Chris’ relatives are buried.
We came home & had some time to kill before heading over to the Clavell’s house for dinner & games. I’d been working on reorganizing the pantry {yes, again}, and needed a few more baskets so I made a quick run to The Dollar Tree to pick them up. I don’t go in there too often, and hadn’t paid much attention to their baskets, etc, but they have a lot to choose from. Here are the one’s I chose.
The pantry’s all organized now & I love it.
I bought a shelf for our canned good & it’s the best thing ever. My OCD self hated just having the cans in there all willy nilly. Much better. And, now it’s easier to see what we have & will need to shop for.
After my {kinda} quick pantry re-do it was time to head to Michael & Lisa’s. We enjoyed a tasty dinner of turkey burgers, chips & dip! I discovered something that may sound redundant, but boy was it delicious; dipping sour cream & onion potato chips in french onion dip. Oh. Em. Gee. Probably not a good thing for me to know because I love me some french onion dip & chips.
After dinner we played one of our new favorite games, The Game of Things. Such a simple concept but, oh, the hilarity that ensues.
Today was a pretty low key day, which was nice. This week is Jboy’s Spring Break, so hopefully the weather will be nice & we can get together with friends a day or two.
What did you do this weekend?