While we were out there enjoying the weather & watching him play I was kicking myself for not bringing my camera. I would have been able to get some great shots of him just running around having a great time. At one point we were out there barefooted (is that right? Or should it just be barefoot???) & the bottoms of his feet were SO DIRTY! It would have made such a great scrapbook page, him out there playing & the bottoms of his dirty feet. You can bet I'll be dragging my camera back over there & letting him play in the driveway barefoot again to try and recreate it.
Tomorrow is the March for Babies event. It's a four mile walk, and I'm not really feeling prepared. I haven't been doing any sort of "training", but I'm hoping it won't be too bad. I'm walking with a few ladies from my moms group so we'll be able to chat. As far as I know there's no time limit so we can take our time. It starts at 10:00a. Maybe we'll finish before it gets too hot. Wish me luck!
Speaking of wishing me luck... I lost another 1.4 pounds at Weight Watchers this week! That puts my total lost at 33.4! If all goes well I should hit a big milestone next week... but I'll tell you about that later. ;o)
Well, I'd better get some rest for tomorrow. Since I was a slacker & didn't get any pictures today, I'll leave you with these from last year. He was such a chunky monkey!!!
You did a great job on the walk!!!
You did a great job on the walk!!!
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